Swashbuckling Scallywags

Software used:
Adobe Photoshop
Workflow & techniques:
Digital illustration
Animation framing
Sprite sheets
Asset design
Logo design
The main outcome of this project within a team was to create a match-three genre for mobile platforms, ensuring it was easy to understand while also being colourful, original and appealing to both younger and older audiences alike.
One of the primary objectives the team wanted with this title was to produce visual feedback based on the progress made by the actions of the player. For example, in the level below, your ship would battle with another in the background and take damage equivalent to how well you were doing in the matching of the tiles.
In game screenshot showing example of a ship battle scenario

My role in this project was to create various assets that would then be placed into sprite sheets ready to be added to the game in the Unity engine.
One of these tasks I had was to make a character's animation frames step by step which could then be used to emphasise their movement within the game and help bring the levels to life.
I also designed and created the logo for the game's title, which can be seen at the top of this page.
Sprite sheets